At the University of Lodz we invest in IT tools and systems, which will enable us to work, conduct classes, examine students and deal with administrative issues efficiently – online or in the traditional form. All employees of the UL have received access to Office 365 (including Teams communicator), which enables us to work and teach online.



Remember that the issue of cybersecurity is very important, especially now, that we have moved most of our operations online. That is why it is so important to take care of your access to Internet accounts, also in the domain of the University of Lodz.  


Employee Service (Portal Pracowniczy) is an online centre for management of administrative issues of the University of Lodz. Here the employees can get their PIT (Personal Income Tax), a pay slip and remotely issue a holiday request. The Employee Service also includes news, regulations and all the messages that are significant from the point of view of an employee. The Employee Portal enables electronic document circulation and is a platform for all people professionally connected with the University of Lodz. 


It is here that you can complete your profile data - it is important, because your official contact details (e-mail address and phone number, duty hours, area of scientific interest) will be displayed outside the Employee Service, in Multiportal of the University of Lodz, which in turn is a knowledge base for university students.

Go to the Employee Service

By contacting employees of helpdesk you can count on assistance in case of problems with all IT systems which are used at the University of Lodz. You can call them or send an e-mail. Remember Helpdesk only answers e-mails sent from the uni.lodz.pl domain, so if you cannot access your mailbox, choose a phone call. 

Contact details:
+48 42 635 59 89
+48 42 635 41 96
+48 42 635 59 88



Remote work requires professional tools. This is why the University of Lodz provides all its employees and students with access to individual Office365 accounts, the products of which can be installed using Digital University Account credentials on five devices (including private computers and mobile phones).


Teams is an Office 365 service, which is officially used by the University of Lodz for videoconferencing, teamwork, remote classes and lectures. Teams is a licensed and official communicator of the University of Lodz community –the authorities, administrative employees, scientific and didactic staff, who based on specially generated codes conduct classes within groups of students assigned to individual courses.


Digital University Account (Active Directory), which is generated automatically at the moment of you being employed, gives you access to all the necessary IT systems. Thanks to it you will log in to your e-mail, get access to Office 365 package, Employee Service, USOSweb system, your computer and wi-fi network in the buildings of the University. 


Remember that your e e-mail address finishes with @uni.lodz.pl, but at the moment of logging in you need to add a prefix to it. The prefix was automatically assigned to the unit you work at (e.g. @chemia.uni.lodz.pl, @adm.uni.lodz.pl etc.). You will get informed about the prefix by the IT team.

Moodle is a platform selected by the UL authorities for e-learning purposes. It is a formal tool used to conduct examinations and short tests at the University of Lodz. 


USOSweb is a basic administrative tool used between a lecturer and a student. It plays the role of an online Dean’s Office. Thanks to it you can e.g., give grades to your students. USOSweb does not serve communication purposes with one exception: USOSmail, which is used to send students emails as part of class groups.



Go to USOSweb

USOSmobile is an application version of USOSweb. It is used both by students and teachers, who use mobile phones with Android and IOS software.


OSA (Open Anti-plagiarism System) is an internal and proprietary software of the University of Lodz, which is used to verify students' works during academic year and examination sessions. Contrary to the JSA (Uniform Anti-plagiarism System) it is not used to check only diploma theses in terms of plagiarism.


Eduroam is a worldwide university network, which you can log into using your Digital University Account (Active Directory) credentials even if you are at a university in the other part of Poland or abroad. In this clever way academics have solved the problem of the lack of wi-fi.